6 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (April 19 - Results & Review)

4. Tag. Team. Wrestling.

AOP New Catch Republic Street Profits Legado del Fantasma

What better way to usher in new titles than a competitive bout between four teams striving to hold them? The four-way pitting AOP vs. New Catch Republic vs. Legado del Fantasma vs. The Street Profits was blistering stuff, and The Profits grabbing the win following a hot match got a nice reaction from the live crowd.

The best thing one can say about this match is that it ran almost 20 minutes, but the time just melted away because everyone was having so much fun out there. Compare and contrast this praise to Santos Escobar vs. Carlito, folks. Whereas that singles meandered, this four-way was a cracking scramble to become number one contenders.

It's sweet to see The Profits finally look important again.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller will work well with those boys (presumably at Backlash). Credit to Triple H and his creative team for introducing new titles, then putting on a killer match framed around them too. Simple, straightforward and very much welcome booking here.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.