6 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (March 19)

WWE booked a near-perfect go home episode of SmackDown before Fastlane.

Edge Roman Reigns

Credit where credit is due.

SmackDown has been excellent over the past two weeks, and Friday's go home sprint before the weekend's Fastlane pay-per-view was even better than its predecessor. There's only one story that's letting the side down right now, and even that could be rescued if WWE stopped pretending that WrestleMania opponents playing nice is logical.

The two hours sailed past here - every segment got enough time to resonate, and some of the matches clicked nicely despite shorter times. Even the most staunch of WWE critics would struggle to find much to hate about SmackDown, and that's awesome to say. Again, this was a very robust pro wrestling show.

WWE ignited a new take on an old rivalry too, so that's something else to look forward to come 'Mania next month. They also did almost every single character (aside from two notable exceptions) justice by booking them to look strong as hell.

Fastlane is a 'B' level pay-per-view, but it's way more appealing after SmackDown. The blue brand's writers can consider that mission accomplished then.

Here are all the 'Ups' and only one 'Down'...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.