6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 3)

1. He’s Behind You!

Ricky Starks Chris Jericho Jim Ross

Face it, Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks is one of those All Elite rivalries that lost steam a long time ago and hasn't recovered. Everyone's sorta sitting around wondering why this is still going on, but at least AEW had the sense to add a bit more spice pre-Revolution on Friday's show.

They had a nice pull-apart brawl to close out Rampage.

Jericho ranting about Ricky and spotting Starks behind him on his monitor was a cool visual trick. It also deftly sidestepped the usual logic gap of wrestlers not paying attention to screens in front of them when others attack from behind. The whole thing came across as totally realistic and believable.

Surely, Starks will score another win over Jericho on Sunday and then everyone can move on from this thing. That's the only outcome that makes sense, because it's hardly like Chris needs another victory on pay-per-view to remain over with AEW's audience.

Snappy ending to the show overall.

What did you make of this week's AEW Rampage? For more wrestling, check out AEW Revolution 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen and AEW Revolution 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True!

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AEW Rampage
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