6 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash

2. AEW Women’s Step Up

Tay Conti Penelope Ford

As the intro said, "Holy f*ck".

Regular Rampage viewers know that this feud pitting Anna Jay and Tay Conti vs. The Bunny and Penelope Ford has been burning for a while on All Elite's third TV hour. Some won't like the gratuitous blood, thumbtacks or stunt show vibes, but none of it was particularly random if you've been following the story from day one.

These women have been belting one another with brass knuckles and sneak-attacking one another aplenty for months, after all. The violence fit then, and it really seemed like all four were determined to prove a point to everyone watching. Good news: Anna, Tay, Bunny and Penelope smashed it.

One possible downside could be that some early tables refused to break, but two popcorn fart bumps were worth sitting through when Conti eventually hit a piledriver on Ford off the apron through the wood. That was a hellish fall, and it upped the drama.

Here's hoping these ladies got a standing ovation when they returned backstage.

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