6 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (5 March)
1. Triangle Of Dearth

I know what the destination is here. I know that somewhere down the line it's all going to lead to a Roderick Strong vs Adam Cole match. I know that the breakup of the Undisputed Era is going to leave us with a brilliant tag-team off doing their own thing, while the two singles guys have a banger feud that shows how morally and philosophically opposed they always were. I know all this.
What I don't know is why, to get to there, I'm watching the Velveteen Dream wear trunks with Marina Shafir's face all over them. I'll get to the match itself later in the article, but the way this story is being constructed has suddenly gone from 'Dynamic Shades-of-Grey Storytelling' to just 'Sorry, What Is Happening?' in the space of a few minutes. Dream, apparently, was never after Strong, he wanted Cole all along...
Given Kushida got a match with the same man for no other reason than he found himself in a bin one week, who the hell has come up with this? What does Strong's wife and child have to do with Cole? Why did he need a steel cage - that was actually Strong's suggestion, not his - to trap him? Why was he literally trying to escape the thing 10 minutes prior to his "real target" getting involved?
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed what I was watching, I just didn't understand it at all.