6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (16 Aug - Results & Review)


2. Happy Blair Won, But…

Blair Davenport Naomi

Look, it takes two to tango and make a match better, but a lot of Naomi's bouts have been super-sloppy since her return. Sorry, but it's true; there are always awkward moments of miscommunication no matter who she's working with, and that's so odd for somebody this experienced. It keeps happening though.

Personally, this fan was happy to see Blair Davenport get the nod on Friday (because that'll hopefully jumpstart her main roster run), but it'd be best for everyone if WWE moved on from booking Blair vs. Naomi. There just isn't a lot of chemistry there. Meh, maybe things will be different once the rest of the Unholy Union, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are thrown into the mix.

That six-woman tag is incoming anyway.

Naomi's role is simple. She's there as a star people remember from yesteryear, but everybody knows she's only back in the company to shine others up. That's fine, but workers Naomi comes up against should be shining a bit brighter once she's done with them. Will that be the case with Davenport?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.