6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (24 May - Results & Review)

2. Was This A SummerSlam Tease?

Cody Rhodes Randy Orton

Speaking of things everyone should keep an eye on!

There was a bit of a stiff moment between Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton backstage this week. Cody offered a quick "good luck" to his old Legacy leader for King Of The Ring, but Orton didn't seem too keen on looking him in the eye. Nah, Mr. Randal Keith Orton was far too busy eyeballing that WWE Title on Cody's shoulder.

Remember, Triple H announced that the winner of KOTR gets a title shot at SummerSlam. This frosty exchange could've been a tease for more to come between these old stablemates. If it wasn't, and WWE are only messing with everybody and/or laying the groundwork for later in the year, then that's cool too.

Rhodes should be a hunted man, and that shiny prize on his shoulder should catch everyone's attention. Like AJ Styles, Randy is closer to the end of his career than the start, so he may well be weighing up how many World Title runs he has left in him.

This was a short skit, but a damn effective one.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.