6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (6 Sept - Results & Review)


2. Aaaand Back To Earth For Michin

Chelsea Green Michin

WWE pushed Michin to the forefront last week by letting her cut a pre-match promo before tangling with Nia Jax in a street fight. She lost, but put in a really spirited performance. Plus, it was nice to have some context behind Michin's aspirations on SmackDown, and to find out what she's all about.

What happened?

This week, Michin lost a short bout to Chelsea Green, and the announcers barely mentioned the shift she put in vs. a division dominant Nia. This is why it's a struggle to care about what some on the undercard are up to - everything's too start-stop with workers like Mia Yim, and there's nowhere near enough character development tying everything together.

Let's be blunt: Audiences won't give a damn about her if there's zero momentum or a personal story to rally behind. It was like someone thought they were booking a house show rather than a TV show when Green vs. Michin was put on the format sheets for Friday.

More care is needed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.