6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (6 Sept - Results & Review)

1. Giovanni Vinci’s Return Was…Something?

Giovanni Vinci Apollo Crews

On that note...what was this?!

Yes, having heels slip on the proverbial banana peel is fine occasionally, but it's important that promoters pick the right spots for stuff like that. Giovanni Vinci's SmackDown debut as a singles star definitely wasn't the right time. He looked like an absolute moron for flopping in amongst all the hype.

If that's what Triple H was going for, then why? It's difficult to see Vinci bouncing back from a four second loss to someone as peripheral as Apollo Crews. Worse, WWE moved right along to a backstage promo without even lingering on Giovanni's reaction afterwards. Nah, this won't do.

Yours truly has grown to become a fan who enjoys seeing how things pan out, but can anyone honestly be arsed reserving judgement on this one? Vinci had zero menace, and hadn't even dipped a toe back into main roster life before looking like a chump.

Somewhere, 2019 Vince was watching and saying: 'Ha haaaa! That's good sh*t, pal!'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.