6 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 22 - Results & Review)


2. Did SmackDown Get…Anybody?

Adam Pearce Paul Heyman Jimmy Uso Solo Sikoa Bloodline

Right, when is this trade thing getting sorted out?

Adam Pearce barely mentions it these days, and no-one would be totally shocked if WWE just quietly shelved the whole thing. Jey Uso went to Raw, and fans were told that SmackDown would be getting someone big time in return. There's...no sign of that.

Hey, maybe it'll be Randy Orton. There are rumours circulating that he's on the comeback trail, and the dude has nothing else to do now old partner Matt Riddle is gone. An RK-Bro reunion is impossible, but Randy rocking up on Smackers as a trade for Jey would be satisfying enough for fans.

If not Orton, then who? This is one plot point which badly needs a bow on it. Christ, Pearce would be moving mountains to make sure Friday nights weren't affected, and Jey has been presented as a major acquisition for Mondays. Time to return the favour, Raw.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.