6 Ups & 3 Downs For AEW Collision (June 1 - Results & Review)

2. Solid Promo Work Throughout

AEW Collision Jack Perry

No single talking segment did enough to get their own Up - or Down, for that matter - this week, but all of the promo work on Collision was pretty solid across the board.

Likely the highlight of Collision in this regard, was Jack Perry's comments following Double or Nothing. Perry has really come on as a promo, and here he aggressively pointed out how he was willing to be set on fire in order to help save AEW. Likewise, Kyle O'Reilly was nicely fired up as he warned Will Ospreay and other members of the roster to stop looking past him.

Elsewhere, FTR opened the show with a decent enough, if not mildly repetitive in-ring promo with Tony Schiavone. Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander had some smart, scumbag remarks about Willow Nightingale being garbage, as Stat put the women's roster on notice for Wednesday. The Premiere Athletes were reintroduced in a nice video package, with your writer one of those who'll forever bang on about how more needs to be done with Josh Woods. And the Iron Savages got to spout off about Titty City... until Killswitch brought an emphatic end to that.

Solid-to-good work from all involved.

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Senior Writer

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