6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (14 June - Results & Review)

1. This Was A Waste Of Everyone’s Time

Nia Jax Michin

Eyebrows were raised when WWE touted Nia Jax vs. Michin as a match worthy of announcing in advance before jetting off to Scotland. It turned out to be a routine squash for Queen Of The Ring Nia, albeit one with a sprinkling of interference from Tiffany Stratton. Sadly, the whole thing played before mass apathy.

Fans in Glasgow could see Jax hammering Michin a mile off, so the number of people heading to the toilets or to check out merch stalls came as no surprise. For reference, this was the only match on the show that saw loads stand up, sit down, then stand back up again because so many people were shifting around in their seats.


Worse, folks started moving around freely as soon as Michin's music hit. A few peeps could even be heard saying things like, 'I'll go for a pee now, then be back in my seat for something more important after the next ad break'. Hmm, this doesn't bode well for Nia's royal run, but maybe it was a blip.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.