6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 15 - Results & Review)


6. Simple Setup For Next Week

Santos Escobar

Right, it's all plain sailing for SmackDown from here on out.

This guy appreciated the way WWE laced the show with some quickfire promos designed to build matches on tap for next week's episode. Both Santos Escobar and Bobby Lashley cut solid speeches on their United States Title tournament semi final to come, and they worked a treat.

Arguably, their match is slightly less exciting on paper than Kevin Owens vs. Carmelo Hayes, but Escobar vs. Lashley is still a fresh-feeling bout for WWE. Besides, simple setup for such things goes a long, long way. Now, the commentators have a few reference points to talk about mid-match. That matters.

Sure, there's a reason why this is the first 'Up' and not nearer the end of the article, but it was worth pointing out. These straightforward to-camera pieces are something WWE occasionally veers away from when they really shouldn't, and both men showed off some personality to make them watchable.

Happy days.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.