6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 3)

2. New Year, Same Old Height Jokes

Shorty G The Revival

Le sigh.

WWE's determination to cast Chad Gable as a spitfire shortarse who has overcome his bad hand (being slightly below average height is...bad?) in life sucks. It's even worse when the writers put Shorty G in segments with guys who are barely taller than him. "It didn't help anybody" goes for this one too.

The Revival making fun of Shorty for his height might've made more sense if they weren't only an inch or two bigger. In fact, scratch that, Dash Wilder looks less than a full inch taller than Gable. It's woefully poor creative, and this was a crap misuse of great talent. The duelling backstage promo didn't need any chat about "New Year baby" nonsense.

Shorty's entire gimmick is based on fans who hate taunting bullies. The problem is, he's a f*cking Olympian. The whole thing is just bad; WWE need to wake up and realise this before they do irreparable damage to a guy who is damn good in-ring.

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John Morrison
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