6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 4)

2. Royal Repetition

Rick Boogs Shinsuke Nakamura

One can practically smell the 50/50 vibes steaming off this Shinsuke Nakamura vs. 'King' Corbin feud. The bogus royal pair are trading wins back and forth, and it's not really helping anybody. Being honest, it kinda' feels like WWE are going round in circles with this mini-program.


Other problems include Rick Boogs still cosplaying Elias, and the fact that Naka is coming across as the villain of the piece more than Corbin here. The "real" SmackDown 'King' has every right to bitch and moan about Shin stealing his crown - that's a flaw in WWE's plan. How can Nakamura be the likeable babyface when he's a dirty, rotten thief?

Creative may point to Corbin's cheating (he pulled the tights on a roll up) as reason to paint him as the baddie, but that's hardly enough. The poor guy just wants his property back, and he's sick and tired of Shin and that Old Spice dude.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.