6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 4)

5. A Fine Non-Title Tag Feud

Chad Gable The Street Profits

Another perpetual whinge about WWE booking is that the writers rarely focus on more than one feud per division at a time. This is particularly evident in the tag ranks on both Raw and SmackDown; if teams aren't in the title hunt, then they're barely featured on programming beyond squash matches or multi-man affairs.

Score another one for steps taken in the right direction then.

Both Chad Gable and Otis came across really well in their respective backstage promos with The Street Profits. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins similarly shone in these segments, and it's hard to argue against giving a background feud like this one some time to develop. That's even more true when all four are smashing it.

Alpha Academy and The Profits will have some excellent matches if they're given time. They were certainly given enough promo minutes on Friday - these teams popped up several times over the show's two-hour span, and it was nice to see a non-title rivalry simmer.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.