6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 4)


3. They Can Do Better?

LA Knight Ricochet

Is it harsh to suggest that LA Knight vs. Ricochet should've been better? Some might think so, because it's not like either man phoned it in here. It's also clear they've got some chemistry together, but something just felt a little...disappointing. Their bout was functional at best.

Granted, Rico being "functional" is still fun.

The main takeaway from this match was that both guys have another few gears they could work through in the future. LA hooking the tights to win and bullying Rico's girlfriend Samantha Irvine was fine, but the actual match itself wasn't as hot as this writer was hoping.

Maybe it's silly to put one person's pre-match expectations onto wrestlers who had a story to tell, but this is an opinion piece - fingers crossed Triple H comes back to this over the next few weeks, and maybe gives them a wee bit more time to work with so they can produce something special.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.