6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 4)

1. Erm…Where Was Omos?

Braun Strowman MVP

So, a smart manager like MVP came to SmackDown and hid behind five enhancement workers rather than his very own monster Omos? Huh?! Nothing about this skit with Braun Strowman made sense at all. There was a ton wrong with it, and it acted as another pitiful excuse to squeeze some last-minute build in.

That last-minute build still has to play to each character's strengths.

Why would Braun even care about keeping Porter away from ringside at Crown Jewel anyway? It's not like MVP is the bigger threat than Omos. Also, the manager looked like an absolute tool for choosing lowly jobbers rather than stars to defend him here too. Did he really think five local lads would stop Strowman?

MVP has been the brains behind great ideas like The Hurt Business and Bobby Lashley's WWE Title push. On Friday, he was more Harvey Wippleman than Bobby Heenan, and that was plain daft. Finally, Omos should've been here to protect his mentor.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.