6 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Collision (Nov 17 - Results & Review)


6. Book This Again Sometime

Miro Daniel Garcia

Time for the comforting hug of six lovely 'Ups'.

Miro vs. Daniel Garcia raced past. Granted, AEW needs to quit it with these short story beats/skirmishes that only last one week then get forgotten about, but the actual match was good here. Also, CJ Perry made eyes at Danny, so a certain 'Redeemer' was obviously peeved about that and wanted to stomp Garcia out.

This fan has zero issues with Miro getting a win. If anything, the company should be doing way more with the man. Maybe that eventual match vs. Andrade El Idolo will be worth the wait and something more than another false dawn for Miro's All Elite run. We live in hope, people.

It was cool to see Garcia try various tactics to tackle the bigger man. Daniel used speed. Then, when that started failing ('cause Miro moves at a fair zip himself), Garcia went technical. In the end, everything he tried was snuffed out by Miro's power game.

Nice match, and it'd be sweet to see a repeat sometime.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.