6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (13 May)

2. Willie Gets Serious

Willie Mack needed to show a different side to himself on last night’s IMPACT. His match with W. Morrissey at Under Siege shouldn’t be taken lightly. That he demolished Sam Beale was a step in the right direction.

‘Chocolate Thunder’ entered with a menacing look on his face. Combine that with the fact he didn’t waste much time with the theatrics to his standing moonsault, the fact he lit up Beale’s chest with a series of chops, and the fact he near-enough decapitated Sam with some Lariats, and you’ve got your new Willie Mack. He ended the bout with a toss-up forearm and subsequent Six Star Frog Splash.

Morrissey’s post-match beatdown of the former X Division Champion could have perhaps done with some retaliation from Mack considering it was only a squash match he had just taken part in, but it’s fine regardless. The former Big Cass needed to get on the show some way, and disposing of Mack and Beale was the way to go.

He’s winning at Under Siege – that’s a given. This side of Willie Mack is what he must face, though. The normal Mack simply isn’t good enough to tangle with this reinvigorated W. Morrissey.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.