6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (13 May)

4. Kenny, Meet Kenny

David Finlay vs. Karl Anderson was fine. It was placed on the middle of the card to help pace the overall show nicely, and the story heading into Under Siege developed. Good stuff.

A neat moment early on saw Finlay tripped up by Kenny Omega, resulting in Juice Robinson doing the same thing to Anderson a few moments later. This sort of stuff is always good for adding to a story. From there, it was a battle of dominance.

David Finlay was on the cusp of victory with an Indian Deathlock variation as commentary made Fit Finlay jokes, before Kenny Omega ran in to cause a disqualification. Thankfully, it was FinJuice and Eddie Edwards who were left standing tall this week, thanks in part to Eddie swinging at the Good Brothers with Kenny the kendo stick.

Eddie, David, and Juice had to get one over on the Super Elite. It had been two weeks in a row they were left lying, so they couldn’t possibly suffer a similar fate here. A change of events saved this from failure. It didn’t matter that Omega and co. were technically still standing because they had bailed from the ring, leaving Eddie’s side to soak in the metaphorical cheers. Simple enough storytelling, but effective nonetheless.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.