6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 5 - Results & Review)
3. The Post-Match Paul Brag
This was more like it from Logan.
He did stink up the joint a little on guest commentary during a competitive match that defo didn't need his braggart behaviour or smart-arsed lines, but then LP redeemed himself on the live mic. This is when his 'I don't sweat anything' style works best. The live mic allows for some fan feedback, and that's essential for a heel like Paul.
He should be this obnoxious in 2024, because it works well once some good old-fashioned comeuppance comes his merry way. Kevin Owens served up a reminder that he isn't here to necessarily jaw off with LP so much as show his superiority in-ring then take the United States Title on a tentpole PLE.
KO is already coming across as a huge threat to Logan, and that gives their title showdown at the Rumble a proper boost ahead of time. It's hardly outlandish to imagine Owens taking the strap from Paul so the celeb can free up some time on his schedule; simply winning the US prize was the real moment WWE wanted.