6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 14)


6. Rugged Tag Wrasslin'

Sheamus Ridge Holland Brawling Brutes Pretty Deadly

Onto the positives.

Sheamus and Ridge Holland vs. Pretty Deadly was likely exactly as everyone expected going in, but that's far from a bad thing. Everyone pasted the sh*te out of one another for your enjoyment, and Deadly picked up an opportunistic win that suits their gimmick. Well played, everybody.

Special mention to Ridge for continuing to sell Solo Sikoa's backstage attack and Samoan Spike from a few weeks ago. That's some rare continuity from WWE, and it's great dedication from Holland to make someone else's finisher look impactful and like it has lasting effects.

Overall, the match was another rugged step towards main roster success for the heels, and it's the best use of Sheamus available right now. Ridge definitely looks more comfortable teaming with him in matches like this than Butch, which is worth pointing out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.