6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 14)

5. Something Fresh (With A Heartfelt Message)

Shotzi WWE Shaved Head

There's a touching purpose behind Shotzi shaving her head - it's a show of support for her sister, who's currently battling cancer. Best wishes go out to Shotzi's sis. Fingers crossed she kicks cancer's arse, and it's lovely that her WWE star sibling showed solidarity here.

In TV land, shaving her bonce does freshen Shotzi's character up a little too. Of course, it's vital that WWE follows up on this with more, but the skit worked well on SmackDown. Kudos to Bayley and IYO for selling the moment too. They helped massively with confused facial expressions.

It'd be sweet to see Shotzi gain some traction on the main roster after way too long spinning her wheels. She's never really found her place in this division since moving up from NXT, so perhaps this is the start of something special.

Regardless, it gets an 'Up' because of the real-life message.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.