6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 31)

5. Naomi's Push

Naomi Lacey Evans

Admittedly, Cole and Graves were a little heavy-handed on Naomi's push too. It's perhaps not the best idea for WWE's commentators to pretty much say someone is only getting some attention because fans on social media demanded it. That suggests that Naomi wasn't in company plans before her Twitter drive.

Which, let's be honest, she wasn't.

It's still workable if WWE are willing to meet Naomi halfway. She's too talented to be stuck in crappy karaoke segments like she was before, and the same goes for Lacey Evans. Their match on SmackDown showed that Lacey is much more comfortable in the heel role (her aggression can be fierce) - the opportunistic backslide win for Naomi protected Evans too.

Whether it's contrived or not, it's good that WWE are listening to what fans online want. Both these women need the kind of spark Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose have right now. Singing old wrestling themes was never going to cut it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.