6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE WrestleMania 40 - Night 2 (Results & Review)
6. KO And Orton: A Budding Buddy Comedy

Who would have pegged Kevin Owens and Randy Orton as potential buds trying to take down YouTuber and social media mega-star Logan Paul for Logan’s United States Championship? But here we were at WrestleMania 40. with Owens driving Orton to the ring in a golf cart and the two teaming up to tee off on Paul, taking turns abusing the champ before finally turning on each other and kicking off a tremendously fun triple threat where the action kept moving at a good clip; all three showing good chemistry.
The fans made the most of it, turning Paul’s Prime energy drink partnership with WWE into heel fodder, chanting “Gatorade,” “H2O,” “Powerade” and “We want water” at various points. When you can get fans to organically chant stuff like that, you know you’re doing something correct.
In the end, Orton turned a Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt into an RKO, but Paul tossed Orton and hit a frog splash on KO to retain his title. Good match, good fun, good heel champion.
The only disappointing thing was that Sami Zayn returned the favor from Saturday night to Owens, firing him up outside gorilla, but KO fell short. One has to wonder if that will inform his character going forward.