6 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (29 April)
4. Defining The Squash Match
If you were explaining professional wrestling terminology to a non-fan, the term ‘squash match’ could be best described by showing them this.
W. Morrissey made short work of Sam Beale, putting him away with a Powerbomb. He didn’t need to do anything fancy like he had to Willie Mack at Rebellion because Beale is nothing more than a jobber. He shouldn’t be getting any offence in.
Morrissey’s pre-match promo, where he claimed the IMPACT roster were a bunch of fakes for pretending to be heroes when in reality they’re bad people, was a good bit of character development. As Morrissey himself said, the only thing that separates him from everyone else is that he’s not afraid to show it. He said this and then immediately charged into Sam.
This is how you book a newcomer. W. Morrissey already looks like a huge deal in IMPACT because of how well he’s been booked. He can cut a decent promo as well, which always helps, but credit must be given to Sam Beale for working superbly in his role. The role of the jobber in building up big beefy boys is often forgotten; so long as they’re booked like this, they can still work in modern-day wrestling.