6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 19)
5. Burn It Down (And Start Again)
Nobody was expecting to see Seth Rollins gets the first 'Down'.
Here we are though. Why is the recently-returned 'Messiah' here then? Well, principally because he's not actually playing that character at the moment. His promo was good on SmackDown, and the lure of Rollins vs. Cesaro is fantastic, but it's a step backwards for him to move away from such a solidly-defined gimmick.
Reports suggest that Seth is getting some new music soon though. That's good, 'cause his old 'Burn It Down' one doesn't fit what he's doing as a villain at all. Being honest, despite impactful delivery and decent material to work with, his segment felt a bit aimless next to the awesomeness of that opening exchange involving Roman Reigns.
This is something that popped up as a slight concern last week. WWE might struggle to juggle Seth and Roman as tyrannical leaders on the same show. Friday's booking wasn't very encouraging. In fact, it was all rather worrying.