6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 1)


5. So, Who’s Getting Pushed Here?

Carmella Liv Morgan

Right, what's the deal here? Is Liv Morgan ever going to receive a sustained push, or will she show sparks of life before returning to jobber status bi-weekly? Also, what was up with Carmella stepping on Sheamus' toes by running the old face protector gimmick?

So many questions, but so few answers.

WWE need to pick a plan for these women and stick to it, because they're so 50/50 it hurts. Liv is in limbo, meaning fans have a hard time caring about anything she does, and 'Mella is used in a similar way (only on the heel side). It's just so uninteresting - how can WWE think this kind of booking feeds fan investment?!

Again, it's curious that Carmella is wearing a protective mask on SmackDown when Sheamus has been doing exactly the same on Raw for months. There were loads of issues with this match that...was actually more of an angle than a match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.