6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 1)

4. Counting Down The Days?

Happy Corbin Kevin Owens

Forget Randy Orton and Riddle for a minute, 'cause somebody needs to ask Kevin Owens, 'R-U-OK, Bro?'. The babyface is clearly going through the motions these days; maybe not so much in terms of the performances he's putting in, because he's always consistent, but WWE don't seem interested in using him correctly.

Perhaps a leap to Raw in the Draft will reignite his fortunes.

Most of the pro wrasslin' community (Twitter, at least) seem to believe that KO is a shoe-in for an AEW jump once his WWE contract expires in January 2022. That could be the case, and WWE's total apathy towards him makes sense if so. Maybe they see a #AllElite post coming during 'Mania season themselves.

There was nothing especially wrong with Owens' loss to Happy Corbin on Smackers. Really, there wasn't, but it's a far cry from jousting with Roman Reigns at the top of the card, or even rubbing shoulders with Logan Paul in celeb segments.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.