6 Ups And 10 Downs From WWE Fastlane 2016
An obvious ending to an unspectacular, uneventful PPV on the Road to WrestleMania.

Well, that was a PPV. It took place on a Sunday and was available on the WWE Network, so it clearly was a PPV. But beyond that, you really couldnt tell the difference. Fastlane crowned a new #1 contender who will go on to face Triple H at WrestleMania XXXII, but if you didnt know who that would be a month ago, then you probably believe your uncle really does pull coins from behind your ear.
Aside from Roman Reigns unstoppable march to Mania, there really werent any major developments to come out of Fastlane. No one stabbed anyone in the back. No new stars debuted to challenge longtime title-holders. No titles changed hands. No WrestleMania matchups came into clearer focus (aside from the afore-mentioned main event). It really was the definition of a placeholder PPV.
If you skipped Fastlane, you missed a couple really good matches and some entertaining banter, but you wont be lost watching Raw Monday night. That is not a good sign for a PPV that is supposed to set the tone and get fans amped for WrestleMania in six weeks. Sure it wasnt a bad way to spend a Sunday night, but if there was something better on
So what reeked of awesomeness and what got German suplexed into oblivion? Lets get to it
10. So, New Day Are Bad? Good? Both?

Sometimes, it doesnt matter if youre technically a heel or face. The Outsiders made a career out of being the cool heels that fans cheered. No one would ever mistake the New Day for the Outsiders, but they definitely fall in that category of being so popular that fans love to both boo and cheer them.
However, the trio played both sides during the same segment Sunday night during the Cutting Edge Peep Show. New Day came out, interrupting Edge & Christian (drawing boos) and traded barbs with the legendary tag team (still heels). Then, they badmouthed the other tag teams in the division, latching onto the League of Nations, which drew the four foreigners out (so, theyre faces now?).
The League ran off the New Day and then ran off Edge & Christian (clearly still bad guys), but E&C got the last laugh on them, prompting New Day to join in the fun and taunt the League from the outside with Edge & Christian (so theyre friends now?).
None of this was really bad and maybe its more of a testament to New Day being able to straddle both sides of the heel/face line but it just felt like you needed a scorecard out there.