6 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Feb 10)


2. Both Top Titles Given Video Package Treatment

Throughout the night, both the NXT and NXT Women's Championship matches set to go down on Sunday's TakeOver: Vengeance Day card were hyped up via a series of compelling video packages.

Toni Storm, Mercedes Martinez, and Io Shirai all fired various shots at one another, with the Champion getting the last word in and boasting how she will overcome the odds, much like she did at TakeOver: In Your House in 2020. Finn Balor and Pete Dunne also added more heat to their simmering feud, with Balor reaffirming Edge's claim the he is operating on a different level, and Dunne confessing that he will break the champ's glass jaw at the event.

All this was fine, but having a go-home episode of NXT without any real physical interaction between any of the people involved in the brand's two marquee matches, except from a show-closing stare-down between the NXT Champion and his challenger, felt like a dumb move.

Sure, there was the little issue of finalising the last few places in both Dusty Cup finals, but there was more than enough space on the show for a backstage scuffle or quick match involving any of the participants. All in all, a missed opportunity and one which may lead to fewer eyes on the product come Sunday night.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...