6 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Jan 13)

2. Xia Li Continues To Dominate

Xia Li

Xia Li finally showed the NXT universe what all those weeks of torture in an underground location was for by absolutely pulverising an unfortunate jobber last week.

How did she choose to follow up on that dominant display? By producing an even more impressive performance against yet another poor soul on the latest black and gold show. Finishing her night early after two precise and vicious strikes to her opponent, Li looked like a bonafide badass here. Add a few more rapid jobber slaughters to her resume and this repackaged threat could be challenging the likes of Mercedes Martinez and Raquel Gonzalez as NXT's resident top terroriser in no time.

There's still an element of mystery surrounding exactly who the ominous leader controlling Li and Boa's actions is, with the mysterious figure ordering Li to continue her attack post-victory here. But, as of this moment, less is more, and Li cutting through a few more helpless goobers should make for entertaining enough TV.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...