6 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Jan 13)

3. Some Rascalz Make Their Presence Known

the rascalz msk

When the final brackets were announced for the men's version of the 2021 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, fans quickly spotted the inclusion of a team known as 'MSK' with blank avatars on the graphic. Who were the duo set to throw down with enemies-turned-teammates Jake Atlas and Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott? None other than former Impact Wrestling stars The Rascalz - Wes Lee and Nash Carter.

Despite being rebranded as MSK, the pair brought the same innovative, high-octane style which marked them out as a team to watch in Impact over to the black and gold brand without skipping a beat. A springboard corkscrew crossbody, stunning senton over the top rope to the outside, and a partner-assisted standing moonsault told you everything you need to know about the duo as the match progressed. However, Atlas and Scott are no chumps and were determined not to have their Dusty Cup party spoiled by the newcomers.

Yet, these recent rivals ultimately couldn't stop MSK from hitting the ground running, with Scott eventually finding himself on the receiving end of a tag team flipping neckbreaker. MSK now advance to the next round, all while giving the NXT audience a small taste of the creative arsenal they will surely come to love in the coming months.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...