6 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (May 25)

NXT Title match delivers; new champ's inspirational speech falls flat; women's division soars.

Finn Balor Karrion Kross

You know what you're getting from NXT, and that's a good thing.

WWE's black and gold offering is guaranteed to highlight in-ring action above everything else, but that doesn't mean there's no time for shenanigans - indeed, this week's show had promos aplenty, and a hidden gem segment you need to see soared around halfway through the night.

It's actually a credit to the writing team that NXT's only niggles came from repeat booking and trying to force a naturally-likeable character into some crummy Nia Jax circa 2018 role. They need to stop that immediately, because it feels out of place and could chip away at a new champ's credibility if WWE's over-reliance on bully-boy heel jokes continues.

Obviously, as the 'Ups' and 'Downs' counter reveals, there was more good than bad. That's another hallmark of the brand, and it's pretty clear that WWE creative breathed a sigh of relief when their paymasters moved the show to Tuesday nights. Now, they don't have to try and compete segment-to-segment against AEW Dynamite, which is another plus.

Here's all the good and the bad from NXT's latest...

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.