6 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's Raw (April 17)
1. Show Stopper

Finally, it was time for the main event, which was made earlier in the evening, when Big Show forcefully put a stop to Braun Strowman's backstage reign of terror. Show told Strowman to pick on someone his own side, and so it was.
The bout was actually great. In the opening minutes, both men showed great agility - Show did a baseball slide, while Strowman hit a dropkick and did a kip up without holding the rope. Of course, they couldn't keep up that pace for that long, but they built into a long and very exciting finishing sequence that saw Strowman kick out of the chokeslam, Show kick out of Strowman's powerslam, and Strowman kick out of the WMD punch.
The finish was the old super heavyweight classic of an exploding ring on a superplex, with Strowman performing the move and getting up afterwards to give him a moral win, even though the bout was a no contest. This was handled really well, as they'd teased the superplex a couple of times earlier in the match, and fans booed when they didn't deliver.
Strowman may have emerged on top, but to be fair, Big Show narrowly won the "whose beard has the most phlegm?" contest.