6 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 30th)

2. At Least One Too Many Squashes

Last night's NXT featured a few squash matches thrown in seemingly to fill the hour. Adam Rose vs Hideo Itami and Becky Lynch vs Sarah Dobson both featured no-hopers being taken apart with ease by their NXT mainstay opponents. A strong argument could be made that the audience did not need to see Lynch vs Dobson. It was funny to watch the crowd embrace the rookie during her first taped match (the crowd shouting 'Sarah Dobson' and 'Let's Go Dobson/Let's Go Lynch' with glee) but considering that Becky Lynch had already been addressed in a solid video package earlier in the show, did we need to see her win a three minute squash on an already crowded bill? The minutes would have been much better appreciated by Itami and Rose, especially considering that Rose was once an NXT favourite and deserved better than being squashed upon his return. Itami would have been much better served if he had beaten The Prince of Parties in a longer match that showed just how dangerous Rose can be if given half a chance. Instead, both matches ran short and didn't do much to pad the victors' wrestling resumes.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.