6 Ups And 4 Downs From NXT Roadblock 2023
3. Garbage Wrestling Specialist
Really, what else can you say about Tony D’Angelo? He’s a caricature rather than a character, a walking stereotype – and a third-rate one at that.
Worse, he’s not that great of a wrestler, so his matches aren’t the most entertaining. However, he’s hit on one thing that he specializes in: garbage brawls. All of Tony D’s blowoff matches have relied on gimmicks such as a street fight, crowbar on a pole, weaponized steel cage, and now a jailhouse street fight at Roadblock.
D’Angelo managed to pull off the win with some serious help from Stacks, but the match itself wasn’t good. It was two guys trying to throw each other into a cell and shut the door over and over and over, with weapons shots mixed in. Dijak’s springboard elbow drop through a table was the only notable spot of the match.
If it weren’t for Stacks, this might have put everyone to sleep.