6 Ups And 4 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Jan 11)

3. All Aboard The Choo Choo Train

Wendy Choo

If you would've told your writer a week ago that he would've been sat here living his best life watching a onesie-boasting, sleep-deprived napper quickly become the most enjoyable part of an otherwise lopsided six-woman tag match, he probably would've simply nodded and carried on his business... honestly, does anything really surprise you in this surreal company anymore?

But in all seriousness, Wendy Choo was an absolute riot last night. From her half-arsed entrance to her excellent yawn-dodge upon being hot-tagged, this sleepy superstar had us onside from the get-go. Then the unleashing of her devastating suplexes and wicked cartwheel forearm only made the CWC fall in love with her mad antics even more.

It's hard to believe this is the same star who once donned pale white make-up and spat venom at her rivals of this week, but such is the range of Choo as a performer, clearly. Though there's no telling how long this good will is set to last or if this gimmick has any real legs for success further up the card, in the here and now, it was a joy to behold.

The rest of the field did fine enough. But there's still room for improvement when it comes to an often painfully green women's tag division as a whole.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...