6 Ups And 4 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Oct 19)


6. Hayes Don't Miss, Gargano Takes His Shot

Johnny Gargano

One week removed from shocking the newly reshaped landscape, new North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams had a few things to get off their chest last night when opening NXT 2.0.

With the duo confessing to be anything but "humble" - you're better off picking up your copy of the dictionary if you're looking for that - the Breakout Tournament winner didn't wait long to start puffing out his chest and labelling his belt the "A-title" on Tuesday nights. All while drinking in a crowd who were evidently over the moon to see him at the top of the mountain.

Said Melo-bration wasn't to last forever, though, and it wasn't long before a certain veteran of the brand made his presence known. After being absent for a minute, Johnny Gargano explained that he was happy for the newcomer before admitting that he'd literally lost his Way as of late. Without skipping a beat, a babyface Johnny Wrestling soon whipped the crowd up into a frenzy and teased Melo into a one-on-one battle over the belt The Way man has worn the most.

A quick Dexter Lumis-induced detour set up what is looking like more Haunted House buffoonery at Halloween Havoc, but having Johnny be Melo's first hurdle upon winning the belt definitely falls in line with NXT 2.0's go-to tactic since the revamp: throw a seasoned performer in there with a newbie, give them a good rub, rinse and repeat. And if it gives us sure-to-be fire bouts like Gargano vs. Melo, you won't see your writer complaining.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...