6 Ups And 4 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Oct 19)

3. Tony D'Angelo Makes You Forget About It

Tony D'Angelo

Not every new act pumped into the multi-coloured world that is this freshly shifted NXT has hit the ground running, it has to be said. But wise-guy, gangster Tony D'Angelo may just be one of the most compelling faces the brand has stumbled on for what feels like an eternity.

On the surface, a dude confessing to be in the "family business" and strutting around in a white vest whilst trying to bribe the ref is a frankly ridiculous concept. But it bloody works! Largely because Tony makes it work, mind. And it was business as usual again last night as the former NCAA wrestler once again combined his prowess in-between the ropes with a charismatic twinkle in his eye, mocking his adversary Ru Feng's attempts at freeing himself from a headlock as being "like beating up my little brother".

After nailing Feng with a modified swinging neckbreaker for the win, the newcomer was then quizzed about the whereabouts of Lash Legend's producer Mark; the dude Tony may or may not have stuffed in a car trunk last week. Without hesitation D'Angelo soon quipped that he didn't "know nothing about nothing" and that everyone should just "forget abaat it!". One thing is for certain, nobody is forgetting about Tony any time soon.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...