6 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 7)
3. Braun Rolls

As great as Kevin Owens has been throughout his time in WWE, there was no way he was stopping Braun Strowman Monday night.
However, kudos to the agents for booking a match where Owens looked outgunned, but believably in contention throughout. Strowman controlled much of the match, but a couple missteps resulted in KO taking charge and trying to score a countout victory. When Braun posted himself, KO hit a superkick and frogsplash in quick succession for a close 2 count.
In the end, Strowman continued his trend of running over Owens outside the ring, then hit a running powerslam for the win. The outcome was never in doubt, but the result was an entertaining little match.