6 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 7)
4. Facetime, But That’s It
Giving wrestlers facetime in backstage segments that don’t involve major action or development might seem like a waste, but it does serve a purpose: You at least remember that they still work there and have a bit of a connection to them.
Twice during backstage segments involving GM Kurt Angle, Zack Ryder and Goldust showed up looking for matches to earn a shot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Both men were rebuffed in short injury, despite Angle keeping an open eye out for other possible competitors to vie for a match.
It must suck to be Ryder or Goldust, thinking you’ve earned a spot, and you’re just in there as comic relief. The two veterans might not be high-profile stars these days, but both deserve another moment in the sun if it presents itself.