6 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE TLC 2017
An Olympic-sized main event, a massive debut and a dream match make TLC a shocking success.

WWE’s most-anticipated PPV in recent memory came to town on Sunday night, as Kurt Angle returned to a WWE ring for the first time in eleven years. Angle replaced an infected Roman Reigns, while SmackDown’s AJ Styles was flown in to take Bray Wyatt’s spot.
Those moves made TLC a can’t-miss PPV like this. And then the event itself actually lived up to its billing. While it was originally plugged as the reunion of the Shield, the group worked well against their five adversaries, and Angle looked pretty impressive. Sure, he was a step slower than before and he can’t take the bumps he used to, but seeing him in the ring was well worth it.
Styles and Finn Balor had to be scored better than the original match booked, pitting Balor’s Demon against Wyatt’s Sister Abigail. That had “dangerous trainwreck” written all over it, and thankfully, we didn’t have to witness that match. Hopefully, it’ll be months before we see or hear from Sister Abigail again.
So did TLC live up to its hype? Well, considering that two bigger matches had serious changes, this was about as good as we could have hoped for. Throw in Asuka’s debut and you have a PPV with few serious negatives and a handful of solid postives.
With that said, what saved the day and what got slammed through a table? Let’s get to it…