6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (July 8)
1. Villains And Hero Make Strides

Last week, we saw the reformation of an under-utilized clique in WWE: The Club. And it came at Ricochet’s expense.
This week, WWE continued that evolution, with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson each squaring off against Ricochet in singles matches (with the United States Champion winning both bouts), only for the trio to pummel the champ into submission afterward.
At one point, AJ Styles looked ready to hit a second rope Styles Clash again on Ricochet, but stopped and told him to stay down. When Ricochet got back up, The Club attacked again, and AJ hit a Phenomenal Forearm on him.
The entire ordeal did a great job of continuing to establish The Club as true villains, while Ricochet looked like the true hero, refusing to stay down and willing to take on impossible odds.