6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 22)
2. Over-Exposure
Has the WWE legal department weighed in yet on whether it can pry loose the Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero characters? Because right now, the Hardy Boyz are caught in a weird purgatory where they are still way popular with the fans but not doing much of note.
Since returning, the Hardys have spent the vast majority of their time feuding with Sheamus & Cesaro, helping to facilitate their heel turn. But we’ve only seen three tag matches involving the brothers since they returned nearly two months ago. The rest of their bouts have been singles contests against Cesaro & Sheamus.
It just feels like while the Hardys are still riding a wave, eventually something is going to need to change, whether it’s their opponents or their characters, because the nostalgia train is going to derail at some point. But for now, we’ll call this an advisory “down.”