6 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 28)
2. Jax, Rousey Segment Bombs

Whoever wrote the segment between Nia Jax and Ronda Rousey had good intentions, but they shouldn’t be allowed near the feud again.
The confrontation, weirdly disguised as an exhibition between Nia and Michelle Webb (actually Madi Maxx), started with Rousey interrupting Jax’s entrance to sit at the commentary desk and say… nothing of consequence.
Instead, the segment consisted of Nia poorly mocking Rousey by having Webb put her in an armbar and then deadlifting and powerbombing her. Jax continued to jaw at Ronda in between beating up her opponent, and then calling the Rowdy One to the ring. There, she called Rousey’s “intense” face humorous, laughed and left.
Hold the phone here… isn’t Nia a face? Didn’t she literally just turn face a couple months ago and was speaking out against bullying? And now she’s more or less doing the same thing with Ronda.
If WWE wants Jax to be a huge (physically speaking) heel for Ronda to overcome, that’s fine, but this literally came out of nowhere after Nia pleasantly challenged Rousey just two weeks ago. Seriously, writers, get your act together. This was awful.