6 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Feb 11)
8. Pick A Brand, Part 37

This is getting old.
We’re now eight weeks removed from the NXT call-ups being announced, and we still saw two of them compete Monday night without being assigned to a brand. Nikki Cross and EC3 both wrestled – and lost – on Raw, but there still has been no announcement of when they will actually be forced to appear only on one show, which just seems ridiculous at this point.
Are the writers this lost and unable to commit?
Also, it bears mentioning that the #1 Royal Rumble entrant, Lacey Evans hasn’t had a televised match on Raw or SmackDown since the PPV (there have been five total episodes since then). So some of the NXT call-ups are getting attention, while others are almost invisible.
Just… what?