6 Worst Fashion Mistakes By The Undertaker

6. The Phantom Of The Deadman

This entry seems to divide opinion but, after swaying back and forth on the subject, it has to be included.

I€™m not one to speak ill of the dead, but let's be honest, Mabel was a pretty awful wrestler. He was huge and intimidating but almost crushed Diesel€™s back in their SummerSlam main event in 1995 and, several months later, he clumsily dropped hig huge leg right onto Undertaker€™s eye, injuring it.

The Dead Man€™s eye socket was fragile but rather than taking time off to heal, he took a page right of Brutus Beefcake€™s book and decided that donning a mask would be the way to go. The problem being that the mask made him look like a deformed beast and made too many fans compare him to The Phantom of The Opera.

The Phenom has been great at telling stories through his facial expressions, since he didn€™t cut long promos and within the framework of his character could only really use his eyes to tell the story. Sadly, with half of his face buried behind his Beauty and The Beast-esque mask, we couldn€™t see any of that emotion and his matches suffered because of it.

Next time a wrestler has an eye injury, just give them a month off to go and relax on a beach on Hawaii, not turn their act into a poor man's Broadway show.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.