6 Worst Fashion Mistakes By The Undertaker

5. €œOh Baby I Hear Those Tombstones Calling€ - The Frasier Crane Look

One of the worst things to happen to Undertaker was the invention of the HD camera. When he made his return at WWE Battleground earlier this year to attack Brock Lesnar, the camera close-up revealed The Dead Man€™s back hair. There was A LOT of it.

When he returned to hype his Hell In A Cell match with The Beast, he decided to take a slick back approach to his hair, pulling it back and matting it to his skull. What resulted was tons of memes across the internet of Taker photoshopped onto Frasier Crane. Our beloved character had become the butt of the jokes on memes, GIFs and anything else people could photoshop.

We all get older and can€™t look like we€™re 25 forever, but a word to the wise is, if you intend to put on the mascara and dye your hair while continuing to wrestle, maybe it wasn€™t a great idea to shave your head a few years ago, Mr. Dead man.

When I asked some friends about what they thought Taker€™s worse fashion choices were, a number of my chums suggested the mohawk from 2012-2014. I refuse to enter that into this article and I€™ll maintain that with the shaved head and the mohawk, Taker looked like a bad ass demon....

Until he let his hair grow out into old Kelsey Grammer territory.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.